Advanced Domain Name Control Management, a arch area name and web hosting account provider, today appear the barrage of a new Area Ascendancy Management affection accumulation absolute appearance for area name customers.
The DCP (Domain Ascendancy Panel) is provided with every area name allotment and all appearance aural the ascendancy console are included aural the antecedent area name allotment cost. believes that this is the a lot of absolute set of area name appearance accessible from any provider.
Key allowances of Area Name Casework include:
* Management - all area names can be managed beneath a alone login.
* Homepage Architect - every area name is provided with a simple web website architect acceptance anniversary and every area name an alone web site.
* DNS Manager - abounding ascendancy of the DNS annal including A, MX, CNANE and TXT annal are included with every area name enabling the area to be acclimated with any web host.
* Email Forwarding - Anniversary area is provided with an absolute amount of email forwarding aliases. Emails to any alias can be forwarded to any alien email address.
* Web Forwarding - The area can be forwarded application Masked or Unmasked (302) Redirect to any added web location.
* Meta Tag Management - For domains application Masked forwarding, the meta tags can be absolutely edited on the area name to aid seek engine enhancement techniques.
* Name Servers - the area name can be acclimated with any host, abounding accept their own name servers and there is no absolute to how abounding times the name servers may be edited.
* Unlock / Transfer - Area names can be transferred our to any added provider at any time. There is no 60 day absolute as is generally activated in the area industry.
Following the growing appeal for personalised email addresses are now alms email hosting casework to new and absolute area name customers. This account provides abounding email functionality at a bargain amount due to the exclusion of appearance usually begin in web hosting accounts that are not appropriate for email functionality.
The email hosting account will accommodate abounding abutment for all accepted protocols including email admission via Webmail and abutment for POP3 and IMAP as appropriate by todays avant-garde adaptable devices. accept that the area name and email hosting appearance provided are the a lot of aggressive aural the industry and has assisted in this aggregation acceptable one of the fastest growing area name and web hosting account providers in the UK.


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